Leadership Laboratory
What is Leadership Laboratory (LLAB)?
Every Friday, cadets attend a mandatory Leadership Laboratory (LLAB) from 8:00 am to 10:00 am. This is an opportunity for the older cadets to practice their leadership skills, while younger cadets learn essential skills such as marching and uniform wear. With the cadre's approval, cadet officers organize and oversee LLAB training. LLAB is a great opportunity for cadets to come together and work as a team.
What activities are done during LLAB?
As stated above, during LLAB General Military Course (GMC) cadets learn key skills to prepare themselves for Field Training and the Professional Officer Corps (POC), while POC cadets gain key leadership experience to ultimately become U.S. Air Force and U.S. Space Force officers. Cadets practice marching and team building exercises known as GLPs (Group Leadership Projects).
What environment does LLAB have?
LLAB is a dynamic environment. In order to meet knowledge and performance-based objectives of the Air Force ROTC curriculum, the setting can vary from academic to a hands-on training approach. Cadets are encouraged to step out of their comfort zone and hone their leadership and followership skills. AFROTC has a zero tolerance policy for hazing and discrimination.
Is anything required for LLAB?
During LLAB cadets are expected to wear uniforms. New cadets will wear Civilian Equivalents (CEs). The CE uniform consists of a black polo shirt (minimal logo), beige khakis, black belt, black socks, black dress shoes (not pre-shined), and a black watch.